Following the end of WWII Jack Dunbar, Thomas Liddell and John Maitland left Henderson Bagpipes. They first landed with Hector Russells, a relationship that last about one year. In 1947 they formed Piobmor Highland Industries and operated as such until 1951. Jack left for Canada, where he would later found Dunbar Bagpipes.
I had the pleasure to know Jack from 1987 until his death in 2002. He was generous with his time and money in supporting the art throughout Ontario and around the world. He was an excellent craftsman who held true to the Henderson bagpipe that he knew when first apprenticed at Henderson's.
The bagpipe that they (Dunbar, Liddell, and Maitland) made at both Hector Russell and Piobmor was "Henderson" in all but the name.
Piobmor Highland Industries