Unknown #69

What I see…The profiles are very straight and “stocky.” Combing leaves seven teeth standing. Beads are just a tad flat. Cord holders are very close to the bells. The cord holders on the tenor drones have two scribe-lines. There is a cut-in atop the projecting mounts. The projecting mounts have a long “neck.”  There are no beads on the rings atop the bells however ferrules have beads. Bushings are flat with scribe lines. All-in-all an interesting bagpipe that might be an early Thow however very difficult to say from the pictures.

These pictures came to me with the pictures below. At first I thought that I was looking at the same bagpipe, but not so. I suspect that this bagpipe is also a Thow by virtue of the scribe lines on the cord holders and the bead between the holders and the bell on the bass drone. Again, the pictures are a bit grainy and the angles aren’t the best. I see no cut-in atop the projecting mounts. Beads are present on the rings and the bushing also has a bead. The beads on the ferrules are very slight. I prefer pictures against a white background and taken straight-on. No fancy shots with angles or close-ups that bend and distort what I’m trying to see.