Ross, Robert

Robert Ross was born in Cuthill, Dornoch Parish, Scotland in 1769.  He immigrated to Nova Scotia, Pictou County, Canada around 1816. Information held within his family is that Ross piped at the Battle of Waterloo.  In a census taken in 1838, Ross declared is occupation as “Piper”. His bagpipes are said to be made of tropical hardwoods and marine ivory. He bequeathed his “all my tools for bagpipe making” to his eldest son, Alexander.  Bagpipes owned by Ross during his time with the 75th Regiment (1809) remain with his family.

I honestly don’t know where this picture came from however I had it in a folder marked “Robert Ross” so I am assuming that it belonged there!  I would certainly appreciate any help on the subject.

I would also refer anyone directly to Barry Shears who is expert on the history of the instrument and its music throughout the east coast of Canada during the early years. He has excellent words and pictures on his website.