I was fortunate enough to encounter a half-size MacDonald bagpipe several years ago. Someone had installed extensions on the stocks which was curious. I sent the bagpipe to Andreas. Restoration was done by Pierre Blanchet in France.
These old bagpipes are generally found in difficult condition. Restoration should always be performed by someone who is experienced and highly recommended. References required.
There is yet so much to learn of Donald MacDonald and other makers of old. We often piece together clues and hope that we’re drawing the correct conclusion. Someone once asked me hope I approach identifying old bagpipes. I essentially clear my mind of any bias and study the profiles first. Then I deal with proportions, details, scribe lines, beading and combing, etc. I also scour the instrument for any maker’s stamp. Of course, a maker’s stamp on a chanter is helpful however it may also be misleading. Bore measurements are often not reliable. Lastly, I bring in others from around the globe to assist. We will all confess that the pay is low but the reward is great.